Case Results
Don’t just take our word for it. Our results prove that Chris is the attorney you need on your team. Over and over, Chris has secured successful outcomes for his clients. Chris fights to ensure that his clients are treated fairly, and justice is served.

Client injured lower back at work while working on a tug boat. Lawsuit filed. Insurance company disputes client's account of the accident; however, Chris obtains a statement from the vessel's captain that corroborates client's account of the accident. A substantial surgery is recommended by client's choice of physician; however, client chooses to proceed with less invasive measures because of inherent risks. Client receives $812,500.00 in general damages plus maintenance and cure benefits for nearly two years.
Client Injured in Maritime Accident on the Mississippi River. Client injures lumbar spine and requires multiple RFAs to treat injuries. Lawsuit filed. Defendant files a motion for summary judgment. Defendant's motion denied by the Court. Case settles after final pre-trial conference. A total of $515,000.00 in general damages is recovered. Client also receives over $58,000 in maintenance benefits and over $46,000 in medical benefits.
18 wheeler fails to yield to highway traffic in New Orleans. The driver of the 18 wheeler testifies that Chris's client was speeding and client could have avoided the accident. Wife sustains concussion, broken nose, and lower back injuries, Husband sustains lower back injuries. Chris helps recover $435,000.00 in general damages.
Client injured while cement paver was struck by a commercial vehicle. The impact caused operator's chair to swing 180 degrees resulting in a torn left shoulder rotator cuff while at work. Shoulder surgery required. Client missed nearly one year of work due to the injury and shoulder surgery.
Client fractures arm on public property. Lawsuit filed. Client undergoes a successful surgery. Chris believes that parking lot was defectively designed and consults with a engineering expert. Expert issues a report that reveals that the parking lot was defectively designed and constructed. The defective parking lot was the cause-in-fact of the plaintiff's injuries. Client receives $300,000.00 in general damages.
Homeowner sustained flood damage to home following Hurricane Ida. Homeowner sought assistance from out of state law office and local counsel who both declined to represent homeowner. Chris reviews the file and agrees to represent homeowner. Insurance company wrongfully denied claim. Chris filed a lawsuit seeking to recover bad faith damages. Homeowner recovered $282,500.
18 wheeler rear ends client. Client sustains neck and back injuries requiring epidural steroid injections. Insurance company argues that six-month gap in treatment indicates client's failure to mitigate damages. Case settles after pre-trial conference for $260,000.00.
Client sustains broken rib and a lower back injury when his machine is struck by a dump truck. Client misses six months at work. Client goes through physical therapy and has a surgery recommendation for his lower back injury. Liability initially disputed by the insurance company but Chris locates a witness who disputed the truck driver's account of the accident. Lawsuit is filed in Louisiana District Court and a claim is filed with the Office of Workers' Compensation. Client obtains $256,275.00 in general damages and receives an additional $61,000 in workers' compensation benefits.
Client injured cervical spine in rear end collision after wrecker truck struck failed to stop during traffic congestion. Client required epidural steroid injunctions to alleviate pain. Client not required to miss work.
Client injures lower back in commercial automobile accident. Commercial driver was negligent in operation of vehicle and crashes into the rear of the vehicle occupied by client. Client requires substantial medical treatment. Client receives $242,500.00 in general damages.
Mother and daughter injured in blast and diagnosed with 1st and 2nd Degree burns by exploding kitchen appliance. Chris hires expert to review the product design and construction. Lawsuit filed. Expert reports that the appliance was defectively designed and constructed. Case settles after final pre-trial conference for $175,000.00.
Client injured neck in automobile accident with public entity. Driver of public vehicle admittedly negligent in operation of vehicle. Insurance company argues that client's injuries were not caused in accident. Client requires minor surgery. Client receives $140,000.00 in general damages.
Client fractures ankle in grocery store after grocery store fails to clean up water. Grocery store deletes video evidence of the accident after receiving a certified letter to preserve evidence from Chris. Chris files a motion for sanctions against the Grocery store. Court grants motion for sanctions. Grocery store appeals decision to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Appellate Court denies appeal. Client awarded $135,000.00 in general damages.
Client injuries lower back in maritime accident. Client forced to miss eight months of work. Client treats injury for eight months and returns to work. Client receives $135,000.00 in general damages.
Client sustained neck and back injury after a rear end collision with a bus on her way home from work. Bus driver failed to stop in heavy traffic conditions. Client diagnosed with a bulging disc in MRI. Client treated injuries conservatively over several months. Symptoms improved over time and client was able to return to her normal lifestyle.
The Law Office of Chris Faucheux is a personal injury law firm located at 197 Belle Terre Blvd., in LaPlace, LA. Our law firm focuses on auto accidents, 18 wheeler accidents, maritime accidents and wrongful death litigation. If you have been seriously injured in an accident just call Chris at 985-652-1111.